My Blog

Mike's record breaking attempt.

Sunday, 6 May 2007

Called in to Time 106.6 to talk to Mike Russell. He is going to be attempting to beat the world record for broadcasting non stop without sleep. He’s aiming for 125 hours and will be starting on Monday 14th. May all being well.

As part of the volunteer photography work I do I have been asked to cover this attempt for ‘Give a Child a Chance’, the charity that Mike is supporting, taking pictures at the start and as the attempt progresses, hopefully to the finale on Saturday.

If anyone would like to sponsor him you can do so by clicking on the picture above, or by going to his web-space to read about it at Time106.6

Also anyone with medical/first aid training who can spare a few hours next week would be welcome as he needs medical supervision during the attempt.

For those without medical training, but who would like to help, he also needs observers to satisfy the requirements of the world record attempt. If you can give up four hours to go to the studio in Slough then contact Mike to arrange times when you would be available.