28 JUNE 2010

More odds and ends, mostly friends and family. Some taken at the legendary fancy dress part that Liz and I held. Some of my boat, a bloody great money-pit but great fun in the summer.

There are a couple taken at Margie and Bill’s wedding and some of skiing trips to the US and France.

Click on any image to see a larger version.

A somewhat enigmatic smile hides the fact that Liz has just seen me step in some dog poop.

Maggie looking serene as an indian princess

Bill looking disgusting as a feelthy arab. A part which called for no acting ability on his part whatsoever.

Maz and her date arrive at the party. I just couldn’t warm to him.

Liz and Karen like to pretend that this was taken at a fancy dress party, but we know better don’t we children.

Ranald counting his cut after the Brinks-Mat job

“I thought I had at least three crates of Bud in here before these damn Brits arrived”

A Rainie of Little Brain.

I’m smiling so I must have just been for a dump.

Ticket to paradise

No kidding!

I call this composition “Textures”

After the dreadful accident Paul finally decided to hand in his notice at the sperm bank.

Das Boot!

Das rear end of Das Boot

The Trident T-Shirt. Famous it was, famous.

Wonderful downtown Rutland

Margie and Bill

Margie and Bill

Margie and Bill

Margie and Bill

Margie please note. Not a single rude caption, so can I have my goolies back please?

Greater love hath no father than that he let his son drive his boat.

The Inn at Soap Lake. I arrived on the day they closed for the winter, but they opened a room just for me. American Hospitality at its best.

I’ve been told that I look like an out of work hit-man in this.

Ian and Laura. A fruit-cake and a froot-loop.

Picnic on Cliveden Island

Picnic on Cliveden Island.

What were the odds against all four engines failing at the same time! 

With the queen watching the fly-past, captain Hotchkiss’s piles could not have chosen a worse time to burst.