Anyone want to buy a brick wall?

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Having just finished banging my head against this one it is now going spare. I know, I’m ranting again, but having just spent two days dealing with the 1&1 website support team in the sunny town of...

It’s that time again....

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Well spring is finally here it would seem since my pond is full of little green rapists. The racket is astonishing - sounds like someone stretching a balloon.

The randy little devils will hump anything...

Website back on line once more

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Well I finally got around to moving the site from the defunct Mac site back to my old website. I had been putting it off because I figured it would be very difficult. turned out to be a doddle - took...

Got an invite from Cathy to join a Facebook group her brother has started called 'RX Forever...Or maybe not as it's been demolished’ which he had started for former ex-pats who had had the pleasure of...

Skiving at it’s finest

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Visited a customer on the south coast today and I had managed to complete everything by about 1:30 so i decided to take the rest of the afternoon off and have lunch at this pub I know on the cliff top...